Vishal and Priyamani starrer Malaikottai, released a couple of weeks ago, the movie has witnessed crowds in all the cinema theaters where it is being screened. Music by Mani Sharma is topping the charts. The movie which has all the commercial ingredients including popular Kananda actor Devaraj playing the villan. Vishal has tried his playing humorous role in the movie.
Producer Boopathy Pandian says, ‘I am happy that audience has welcomed the movie well. Vishal and the rest of the team have contributed well for the movie. It is a joyous moment for the whole crew which had worked tirelessly for the movie‘.
?Bhayya? the dubbed Telugu version of Vishal?s Tamil language Malaikottai is also doing well in Andhra. Audio by Mani Sharma in Telugu.
Click here for Malaikottai images