Actor Aamir Khan’s directorial debut Taare Zameen Par Super Hit Film is being dubbed in Tamil and Telugu. Reginal Versions are set for release 12th september. Suriya is lending his voice for Aamir Khan in Tamil.
The Tamil version will be called Vaal Natchathiram and the Telugu version Nelameedha Taaralu. Pyramid Saimira will be the film distributors.
Taare Zameen Par tells the story of eight year old Ishaan (Darsheel Safary) who suffers greatly until a teacher (Aamir Khan) identifies him as dyslexic. Both commercially and critically acclaimed, Taare Zameen Par won the 2008 Filmfare Best Movie Award as well as a number of other Filmfare and Star Screen Awards. It was declared tax free by the Government of Delhi.