Ramgopal Verma’s Phoonk movie stars popular Kannada actor Sudeep in the lead role. Kannada film star Sudeep, forays into Bollywood with Ram Gopal Varma’s Phoonk.
Cast: Sudeep, Amrutha
Direction: Ram Gopal Varma
Production: Azam Khan, Praveen Nischol
Is it a horror or suspense movie.
I am waiting for this movie eagerly
Sudeep all the best
09255744499, 09253129409 Hi, I am Anil Kumar I have no fear of anything in this world, I am interested to see this movie alone and want to win. That’s why I am accepting your challenge.
i like horror moviEs n i guEss i wAnna c hoW sCary iT is..wEll if i sucCeed, i guEss id eArn it…if noT..tHen..sTill it’d a quiTe an exPErience…thinG is i don gEt sCAred..
gOod luck siR