Following her show in Dasavathaaram, Mallika Sherawat have become Tamil Nadu’s favorite girl. Bachke Rehna Re Baba, a Hindi comedy film starring Mallika Sherawat , Rekha and Paresh Rawal, is dubbed in Tamil as Mallika Kamini.
In the movie, she plays a seductress who plots to entrap wealthy men by her looks and then forces them to pay a ransom. Rekha plays Mallika’s aunt in this movie, which was directed by Govindh Menon.
The movie, though much talked about for Mallika’s role, turned out to be a dud in the box office. It is awaiting release in Tamil Nadu in its dubbed version as Mallika Kamini, released by Mani Enterprises.
Bachke Rehna Re Baba – Comedy Hindi Movie
Rekha …. Rukmini
Mallika Sherawat …. Padmini
Paresh Rawal …. Monty Bagga
Satish Shah …. Fakirchand Mansukhani
Karan Khanna …. Raghu
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