Chennai 600028 fame director Venkat Prabhu is one of the overnight hottest directors in Tamil film industry. Most of the actors of Chennai 28 are part in his forthcoming movie “Saroja“. Venkat Prabhu has signed Kajal Agarwal as female lead role . One of the female lead roles had already been bagged by Veda earlier.
Kajal Agarwal is a Bharathiraja find in Bommalattam, Bommalattam is a Tamil film directed by the legend director Bharathiraja starring Arjun and Nana Patekar. The film is released in Hindi as Cinema and in Telugu as Kalidas. Tamil version Bommalattam is being delayed.
Filming Simultaneously made in Telugu, Telugu version of Saroja titled Seven. Kajal Agarwal has also signed for the lead role in the Telugu version.
Famous Tamil Producers should understand the potential of new actresses, like ‘Vega’ who has got a excellent proven track record of theater acting, & their live presence.
An admirer of Vega from Australia….
i love u di…