Shah Rukh Khan will be testing your general knowledge and if you succeed to answer the questions correctly you will be rewarded Rs 5 crore in the new game show called “Kya Aap Paanchvi Pass Se Tez Hain.”
Kya Aap Paanchvi Pass Se Tez Hain is an upcoming game show to be hosted by Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan. The show is expected to begin airing on STAR Plus on April 18, 2008 April 25, 2008.
“Kya Aap Paanchvi Pass Se Tez Hain?” is going to be one of the biggest deals between Airtel and Shah Rukh Khan, in which Shah Rukh himself is getting Rs 40 crore for this programme.
SRK was paid Rs 25 crore for KBC, but this time it is Rs 40 crore.
official website :
For Daily Entry question visit
You have got the wrong information here.The show starts on 25th April and Wow!!Shahrukhs earning a lot.I am sure th show will rock.check out ?. There are videos of the trailers, the set and interviews!!! Cant wait for the show to start !!!! also check out ??
Thanks Ashi Kacheria. We updated the correct show starting date.
Webmaster –
Hey it is a very nice article . . . btw they also have an
official website and they have also created a Facebook application for the same I have used the application and played the PaanchviPass game. And it was fun!!!. For once, it felt nice to be ranked as “Chauthi Paas” rather than “IQ = 77”: )
be a part as well too.
I was called and asked three questions for which i answered all phone number and all credientials were noted down.they told me that they would contact me within three days but they didn’t contact.WHY?
Dear sir,
please send a email of answers of kya aap paanchvi pass se tez hai?phone in recotding question of dated 5th May 08 at 5.40 a.m.
your plyer,
hello, sir how are u?