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A R Rahman compose chiefly in Apple’s Logic Pro

I happen to see an interesting Interview featured as hot news in Apple site, title reads as “ Scoring Slumdog Millionaire with Logic Studio: An Interview with A. R. Rahman.

Logic Studio is a music production suite by Apple Inc. Logic Pro is a Digital Audio Workstation and MIDI sequencer software application for the Mac OS X platform

Here is the A. R. Rahman interview experts with Joe Cellini featured in Apple’s website

To create the “Slumdog Millionaire,” Rahman used a rich palette of logic plug-ins on the live instruments and software instrument tracks, including classic Logic plug-ins like the Autofilter, Overdrive, Compressor, Fuzz Wah, Enveloper, Stereo Delay, Phaser, Ring Shifter and Bit Crusher, as well as the newer flagship Space Designer and Delay Designer to help create the overall sound. Several of the tracks are very simply mixed in Logic Pro with the Logic Adlimiter and Channel EQ on the main outputs.

Did you use a lot of Logic effects, instruments, and plug-ins for the “Slumdog” soundtrack?

Yes, most of the processing was done with Logic plug-ins actually: Ring Shifter; Multipressor; Space Designer. I also really like EXS24, EVP88, and Sculpture, and I use them a lot.

[To read the interview go here: Apple site]

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  • adaikkalam March 28, 2009, 1:18 am

    A.R.rahman sir great of music . He is my role model

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