At the recently held Dubai Fashion Week, Nisha Sagar scorched the ramp with her hot and sizzling summer designs. Using the various pastel shades of olive, lemon, cherry, burnished gold, azure in peppermint sheen, she showcased off shoulder gowns, slip dresses, bloomers and jumpsuits. Her show stopper was Bhagyashree. Another celebrity to walk the ramp for her was Anuksha Ranjan.
Nisha Sagar rubbed shoulders with other renowned international designers like Sabyasachi, Satya Paul, Aanchal Chanda, Hanayen, Sobia Nazir, Michael Cinco, Ekta Singh, Homa Qamar, Shrekahnth at Dubai Fashion Week.
The show was choreographed Utsav Dholakia.
About the designer
Nisha Sagar is as a designer is very close to nature. She sees the beauty in God’s creations and ushers the echo of same poetry through her own designs. Like any other creative artiste, she began painting her imagination, which flowed quite naturally onto cloth and designs. Ofcourse, her first designs were for herself but soon, after her talent was admired and envied by many, she moved into the world of fashion, designing for top celebrities & icons like Hema Malini, Jaya Bachchan, Poonam Dhillon, Bhagyashree, Padmini Kohlapuri & many others. Then there was no turning back. She rose the incline further when her designs were sought after even by the corporate women like Jyoti Hinduja, Tina Ambani & Jyoti Raheja. Pinnacle was when British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s wife Cherie Blaire also requested Nisha Sagar to clothe her with exquisite indo-western outfits.
Besides India, she has held fashion shows at places like Detroit, London, Chicago, Durban, Dubai, Mauritius, Nairobi. Following are a few of her Fashion Shows.
Besides her own two spacious studios in Juhu (Mumbai), she retails at Fuel & Burlingtons’ in Mumbai, Ffolio in Chennai, Mebaz Kalanjali in Hyderabad, Ogaan in New Delhi, Zenon in Kolkotta, Bollywood se Cross Over in Dubai, Mairs, Burmingham, United Kingdom, Shehnai & Parineeta in New York.