If Madhavan is being smart by making slow and steady grasp over Bollywood with short but significant roles and you think- nobody can be smarter than him then think again. Maddy’s four year old kid is a step ahead of his father and how? Let’s hear it from horses’ mouth.

“I have been living in Mumbai since quite a long time now so my son Vedant knows Hindi, English and Marathi but he is not versed with his mother tongue Tamil. Some years ago, my parents insisted me to teach Vedant Tamil,” shares Madhavan.
Checkout photos of Madhavan with his wife Sarita Birje and son Vedant
He further adds, “So, when I was to shoot outdoors for three months I left him at my house in south so that he could pick up the language from people around.” So, did this trick work? “When I returned after three months and went to see him I was shocked to observe that all the people and domestic helps in my house had started speaking in Marathi but he did not learn much Tamil,” exclaims shocked Madhavan.
Well, this handsome actor’s son surely has an upper hand in smartness after all son takes it from his father as they say ‘Like father like son’.
-Sampurn Media