Actor Vishal had won the appreciation of entire Tamil and Telugu audiences. “Bhayya” the dubbed Telugu version of Vishal’s Tamil language Malaikottai is to be released in this week. Audio by Mani Sharma was released recently.
Malaikottai is doing well and tops the blockbuster in Tamilnadu . Priyamani acted in lead role along with vishal.
“This is my sixth film in Tamil. The movie was released in Tamilnadu and abroad with 192 prints. When I was touring the state of Andhra Pradesh during the victory rally of ?Bharani?, people called me as Bhayya. I liked being called like that. So, I named this film as Bhayya.” said Vishal.
A way to go Vishal!
its not bad…stunts r gud..
thalai pola varuma pa
he rockssssssssssssssssss